All about brooms for the bath.

All about brooms for the bath.

The bathhouse will never cease to be popular. People can rest, relax, and have a good wash. Also in the bathhouse, a special massage is often done using both natural and artificial brooms. About them we will talk in this article.

History of appearance

Before getting acquainted with brooms of various types, it is worth to understand when they began to be involved in massage. For the first time quality steam rooms were created in Rome, but there is another version, that from the beginning this idea belonged to the Etruscans.

The Romans shared their knowledge, which eventually led to a wide spread of steam buildings literally all over the world.

In the first buildings, the floor was then heated, after which a combination of water and essential oils were poured on it. Due to such actions, the air in the room was filled with useful substances and trace elements.

Later, the Roman provinces were conquered, and the habit of going to the bath became popular among the former slaves. They changed the very name of the room. This is how the classic steam rooms called "hammam" appeared. Further this way of washing became popular among the Turks. Turkish baths to this day are well known all over the world. In addition to these types of steam rooms, there appeared an exotic option, namely the furo - Japanese bath. The latter was often visited only by men, who have long been prepared for this, as the conditions in the furo were very specific.

As for the bath brooms themselves, they were used much later. They were first used by the Slavs, and after them by the Finns. However, the Finnish type is simpler. Finns more often give preference to the steam room, in which dry air takes place. That is why such rooms can be arranged even in high-rise buildings.

Among the Slavs the use of brooms became a tradition as far back as the XI century or a little earlier - the exact date is unknown. It is hard to imagine a classic Russian bathhouse that is not surrounded by nature. Often the branches of trees were carried directly into the steam room to give a more pleasant aroma. At first, they were used to prepare various decoctions, which were thrown on the heated heater. Only after some time people began to weave brooms from these twigs.

Europeans originally used bath besoms very rarely. The reason for this was simple - they were engaged in complete cutting of forests, so the collection of twigs was noticeably more difficult.

What is it for?

Today the broom is one of the indispensable parts of the bath. It is a useful device, which is designed to perform certain important functions. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

  • The broom was originally used for quality bath massage. There are several different techniques, according to which it is required to pat/slap the other person in different ways.
  • These products are used for additional aromatization of the air in the steam room, as well as for the effective saturation of the environment with phytoncides.
  • Broom allows you to competently dose the process of sprinkling the stove with water.
  • The device gives a good saturation of steam, promotes increased ventilation of the steam space.

Benefits and harms

Like any other device for bathing procedures, a broom can have both useful and harmful effects.

Before experiencing on yourself all the charms of massage with the use of this product, it is advisable to understand this issue.

First, let's consider what benefits can bring quality brooms:

  • contribute to a noticeable rejuvenation of the skin;
  • They prove to be very effective if a person is engaged in cleansing his body of all kinds of toxic compounds;
  • contribute to the removal of phlegm from the upper respiratory tract, the elimination of cold symptoms;
  • When a competent massage with bath brooms there is a rapid relief of annoying muscle pain, relieving stress, from which many people suffer.

Let's analyze certain indications for the use of the bath accessories under consideration:

  • arthritis, sciatica;
  • influenza, acute respiratory infections;
  • rheumatism, gout;
  • Prolonged depression, severe stress.

Brooms used in steam rooms have a lot of useful properties. However, it is necessary to consider not only the benefits of using these devices, but also the possible harms. It is very important to know about all the contraindications, in which massage with a bath broom can entail a lot of problems:

  • The product can seriously harm if it is used by a person suffering from a stomach ulcer;
  • contraindications also act as both malignant and benign formations in the human body;
  • When using a bath broom can aggravate the situation associated with skin rashes;
  • Under no circumstances should such massage be used by people who suffer from serious chronic diseases in periods of exacerbation;
  • People suffering from allergic reactions may also encounter negative consequences;
  • mental disorders - another reason to refuse massage with the use of a broom;
  • it is not recommended to use the broom on the background of active inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • if a person's cardiovascular system is impaired, it is also better to refuse from visiting the sauna;
  • it is impossible to visit the sauna and undergo a massage with a whisk in case of high blood pressure or fever.

If you listen to all the indications and contraindications to the use of the broom, a person can fully experience all its benefits.

It is strongly not recommended to neglect the listed prohibitions, because in such a case, a visit to the bath can lead to unfortunate consequences.


Quality devices for massage in the bath can be different. People use not only natural, but also artificial brooms. Each of the options has its own distinctive features and characteristics, which we will consider below.


The most popular and widespread are brooms made of materials of natural origin. Such varieties have many useful properties and exude a unique natural aroma. Let's take a closer look at some of the options.

  • Birch. Birch is an available tree in our country. It is often used to make good brooms. Branches are flexible, remain elastic even after drying.

Products from birch are excellent for cleaning the dermis, and the steam from this wood has a positive effect on the human respiratory system.

  • Oak. The second most popular and widespread type of bath broom. It has many useful components, special tannins and essential oils. Due to such good-quality filling oak brooms are good for high oily skin.

Also such bath products can help in curing various skin ailments, soothe the nervous system.

  • Maple. Maple species are also insanely popular. In their action they are identical to the birch versions - they also absorb sweat well, cleanse the skin from slagging.

In the composition of the wedge leaves there are useful ascorbic acid, carotene, tannin components.

  • Pine. The type of broom made of pine is less popular, although it has a lot of positive properties.

A qualitatively made pine accessory can boast of a tonic and strengthening effect, contributes to the treatment of many diseases.

  • Alder. Brooms are also made from alder. The leaves of this tree are the same as those of birch or maple. They stick unproblematically to the skin, effectively clean it from sweat secretions, contribute to the excretion of toxins. Skin from the effects of alder broom begins to breathe.

It is believed that such a device can even smooth out small wrinkles.

  • Walnut. Brooms made of hazelnuts are found in the Russian baths not so often. Mostly for their manufacture, hazelnut or hazelnut are used. Such devices have as many useful properties as birch or oak products.

Nut brooms can accelerate the healing process of wounds, contribute to the cure of many chronic diseases.

  • Cherry. Such a product will contribute to restoring the production of male and female hormones. Due to such action, such bath brooms are often used for a stimulating effect.

In addition, cherry versions exude a very pleasant smell.

  • Aspen. This broom is a real treasure trove of vitamins and useful substances. It is enriched with essential oils and tannins.

Despite its positive characteristics, the aspen broom is rarely found in a Russian bathhouse.

  • Wormwood. Some people prefer to use brooms made of wormwood. Such a device is characterized by a bitter aroma, so it is not suitable for everyone.

Most often, the branches of wormwood are used as a supplement to other brooms, for example, birch or oak.

  • Rowan. Effectively disinfects the air in the steam space. The leaves of mountain ash contain components that can destroy fungi and dangerous bacteria.

Such devices are excellent for cleansing the skin, treating colds.

  • Willow. Willow brooms, which have a good size, always turn out very dense and lush. They are massive, heavy, but at the same time flexible and not too rigid.

Such products are good antibiotics and can relieve inflammation.

  • Bird cherry. Bird cherry products boast wonderful aromas. The branches of bird cherry are not as flexible as birch or pine, but have no less rich list of medicinal properties.
  • Herbal. Herbal bath brooms are popular in use. Such copies are prepared from nettles, mint, bamboo. There are even laurel versions.

Products perfectly tone the dermis, have a beneficial effect on brain activity.

  • Heather. Brooms made of heather have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. They can be used by people with various skin ailments.
  • From thuja. Conifer brooms will never cease to be popular. For example, products made of thuja have excellent characteristics.

In the steam room, unfortunately, you will not often meet such a thing, although it has many positive properties and emits a unique fragrance.


Often in the bath use artificial brooms. They do not need drying, but they do not give the proper charge of positive emotions.

Artificial brooms are sold in many stores today. They are made of synthetic materials that meet all the requirements for hygiene. Such things are reusable. They can be used both dry and wet. It is allowed to supplement artificial brooms with essential oils.

Such products do not have medicinal properties, but they can be used to make a quality massage in different techniques.

The hardest, as a rule, are copies of black color, the middle ones are made white, yellow, green, and soft - dark green, green.

Which one is better to choose?

Let's find out what kind of broom for the sauna is better to buy.

  • Decide what effect you want to get from the use of the product. Each species of wood has its own properties and characteristics, which should be taken into account. If you are not expecting a therapeutic effect from the broom, you can use an artificial version.
  • Choose a broom of a suitable stiffness for you. Different types of wood have different levels of flexibility, density. Choose the most comfortable option. This also applies to artificial products - they are also classified according to the degree of hardness.
  • If you choose a natural broom, try to bend it gently. If you hear that a few twigs are cracked, it is better to refuse to buy.
  • Smell the aroma that comes from the product. It should be natural, pleasant, but not overly persistent.
  • Shake the broom, taking hold of the handle. Not too many leaves should fall from it.

Rules of the broom making

You can make your own broom from the branches of several types of wood.

The main thing is to combine them correctly in one "bouquet", competently assemble and prepare.

Let's review the basic rules of making bath brooms.

  • Firstly the branches of the selected species have to be steamed in cold or hot water. The steaming process itself depends on a particular kind of wood.
  • After that, the branches should be dried for about 3-5 days.
  • Ready raw material should be properly tied. From the beginning of the branches an indentation of 15 cm is made. In this area all knots and leaves are removed.
  • Thicker branches are placed outside and thinner ones inside.
  • Ties the resulting bundle with strong twine.

Timing of logging

Different types of wood are cut at different times. It is very important to gather the necessary material in time. Let's look at the best time to cut the raw material of different species:

  • birch is recommended to collect during Trinity;
  • oak - from June to September;
  • linden in early spring;
  • nettle - during its blooming;
  • Eucalyptus is best harvested from the middle of the summer season and the first days of September;
  • It is advisable to cut coniferous branches for a broom by the end of October.

According to the old Russian tradition, preparation or so-called breaking of brooms began immediately after Trinity, which is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter.

Spicy and medicinal subspecies of herbs should be collected at the moment of their budding, at the very beginning of flowering. It is at this time that plants accumulate the maximum amount of essential oils.

Despite the fact that with your own hands you can easily construct a broom from different branches, it is still recommended to prepare homogeneous and high-quality raw materials. Such copies turn out to be more reliable and effective in operation.

How to dry?

If you improperly dry a natural bath broom or do not dry it at all, then all its good properties will be lost. This also applies to recently cut branches, from which in the future it is planned to make a device for massage.

Shoots or branches should be dried by selecting the driest place for them. It must be well insulated from direct sunlight.

Before sending all materials for further storage, they will need to be carefully tied to a previously prepared and installed rope for a day under load.

How to store?

As mentioned above, the broom for the bath must be stored properly, so that it does not lose its useful properties. There are 3 most popular methods of storing this product.

  • You can simply keep the brooms in a dry and cool room in a hanging state. An ordinary attic room is perfect for this.
  • Some people prefer to store dried sheaves of branches in a space that is dark and cool. Then slowly from such raw materials can be formed new brooms as needed.
  • Made devices are allowed to keep in a haystack or on a hayloft, shifted by layers of hay.
  • It is possible to wrap brooms in paper or polyethylene. An excellent solution if you need to store brooms in large quantities.
  • Freezing is also possible. However, frozen brooms can be stored only in a very large and capacious freezer, which is not in every home.

How to use?

Bath broom should be used in accordance with all existing rules. Only if this condition is met, you can expect a positive effect from the product. Let's consider a few basic points concerning the use of brooms in the steam room.

  • Before the visit to the steam room, the broom is properly prepared beforehand. To do this, it is steamed. If this is not done, then the person who is beaten with this product will experience very unpleasant and painful sensations.
  • Artificial device is reusable, but a natural copy is advisable to replace it with a new one after 5-6 times of use in the steam room.
  • Taking bathing procedures, the branches and leaves of the broom should not be left in a dry state. They should be constantly moistened with water.

The liquid in which the wooden parts were previously steamed may be used for the purpose of pouring the heated stones of the stove.

Useful tips and recommendations

Let's analyze some useful tips on making and operating a broom for a bathhouse.

  • Choosing a high-quality and useful broom made of natural twigs, it is strongly recommended to make sure that there are no traces of rot or mold on it. Raw products, too, should not be bought.
  • For self-made brooms, it is better to cut branches only against the background of dry weather. If it is raining outside, this procedure should be postponed to another time.
  • If there are serious problems affecting the upper respiratory tract, the most successful solution would be the use of eucalyptus broom. It will saturate the skin with essential oils and promote recovery from sprains or bruises.
  • It is allowed to combine branches of different species in one broom, but it is better to conduct such experiments after gaining at least minimal experience. If you make a broom for the first time, it is desirable to make it from raw material of one variety.
  • It is better to choose the time in the morning to make branches for further assembly of a broom. However it is not recommended to prune shoots at the very dawn, because there must not be any dewdrops on them by that moment.
  • If the broom is made of coniferous wood, then it should be used only when it is fresh. Drying in this case should be avoided. If you do not follow this rule, you may be faced with the fact that the needles will start to fall off en masse. After that the broom will not be suitable for further use.
  • The brooms made of nettles have the lowest vitality. That is why it is necessary to steep them only for a short time (2-3 seconds will be enough). In addition, nettle products require the most careful handling. To use such devices must also be delicate, because nettles themselves cause a lot of unpleasant feelings when in contact with the skin.
  • For tying the brooms in most cases a strong and dense twine, synthetic rope, jute twine is used. Materials should be not only high-strength, but also environmentally friendly.
  • If you want to choose a broom with the most invigorating effect, it is advisable to have a look at the rowan version. That is why it is recommended to use it only in the first half of the day. After the massage with this device, a person will get a charge of vivacity for the whole day.
  • Coniferous brooms are quite popular, but they can not be used by those who suffer from various kinds of skin diseases. In this case, the product can only cause even more harm.
  • The room in which the brooms are stored must be ventilated. If this condition is not met, there is a risk of mold forming on the products. But too strong draughts in the room should not reign.
  • If you live in an apartment, it is recommended to buy a broom just before you go to the sauna. If you want to make it their own hands, for storage is advisable to allocate a cabinet located on the balcony or loggia. In this case, both the balcony and the loggia must be glazed.

About how to prepare brooms for the bath, see the following video.

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