Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

When you buy a bathtub, you want it to serve its owner for quite a long time and satisfy all his desires and needs. That is why it is necessary to approach the choice of this object of bathroom interior thoughtfully and take into account the material of the bathtub itself first of all. Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Let's compare their characteristics and help you choose the one that is right for you.

Comparative analysis

For your convenience, we have prepared a comparative table and conducted market research. You can see users' evaluations for each criterion in our table. We hope that this information will help you decide in choosing a bathtub.

Cast iron Steel Acrylic
Weight 60 kg to 180 kg 20 kg to 60 kg 24 kg to 51 kg
Rating 5 7 10
Strength Very strong and durable. Resistant to the formation of rust. Manufacturers give a warranty of up to 25 years. In terms of strength and durability is inferior to cast iron baths. Quality baths have a steel thickness of 3.5 mm. German manufacturer Kaldewei provides a warranty on steel baths up to 35 years. Durability of the bath depends on the quality of acrylic and reinforcing layer. The more layers of reinforcement - the stronger is the bath. The strongest and most durable are the quaternary baths. The warranty period for kvaril baths is up to 10 years.
Evaluation 10 4 8
Quality of coating The coating may break off when subjected to mechanical impact. The white enamel is characterized by whiteness and glossiness. The enamel may be enriched with silver ions. The enamel can chip on impact. A good quality acrylic coating does not turn yellow. It can be either smooth or rough anti-slip.
Evaluation 7 7 9
Ability to repair the coating The enamel can be repaired, but the new coating will last about 5 years. The enamel can be repaired, but the new coating will last about 5 years. Acrylic coating can be easily repaired, but the new bathtub coating will last up to 15 years.
Evaluation 7 7 10
Sound absorbing properties when filled with water Practically silent High noise level. Most manufacturers offer noise absorbing pads. Silent
Rated 10 4 10
Thermal conductivity It has thermal inertness - the bath heats up slowly and the water retains its temperature for a long time. It has a high heat output. It heats up quickly and the water in it cools down quickly. Low thermal conductivity. Water in such a bath cools down very slowly. Withstands temperatures up to 60 degrees.
Evaluation 10 5 10
Variety of shapes Do not differ in a variety of forms. Rectangular baths are mostly available. Available in a variety of designs and shapes. The greatest variety of shapes. The material allows designers to create the most unusual bathtubs.
Evaluation 5 9 10
Color choices A small selection of colors. Mostly white baths are available. Small selection of colors. Mostly white baths are available. Baths can be of different colors and shades. Color of acrylic baths is resistant to abrasion. It is possible to produce baths with a graphic pattern in different color combinations.
Evaluation of 5 5 10
Installing It is not possible to carry out the installation of the bathtub by one person. Because of the large weight, it is necessary to involve at least three people in the installation work. The bath is solid and in the process of operation does not "walk" and does not depart from the walls. Does not require additional structures. You can install your own bath. The bath is not stable and requires additional constructions for installation (foundation or special strapping). The installation process can be carried out independently. The bath is installed on special constructions and requires a good fixation. Kvaril bathtub is more stable, it can be installed without additional fasteners and strapping.
Evaluation 3 7 9
Care The coating is resistant to chemical detergents. It is advisable not to use abrasive agents and hard sponges. The coating is resistant to chemical detergents. Preferably do not use abrasive agents and hard sponges. Requires gentle care. Sensitive to aggressive household chemicals, abrasives and hard sponges. At a temperature of about 100 degrees, the acrylic coating can become deformed.
Evaluation 9 9 7
Cost from 7000 rubles from 2800 rubles from 4300 rubles
Evaluation 8 9 9

Each type of bath can be supplemented with a hydromassage system. How to choose Jacuzzi with hydromassageread in another article.

More about characteristics

Let's take a closer look at each of these types of tubs.

Acrylic mini pool with whirlpool


Cast iron baths were in trend many years ago, but with the development of technology interest in them has not fallen, and they are still in demand among the population.

A bathtub made of cast iron is undoubtedly a product that is strong and durable. Perhaps these two criteria are the best way to characterize a cast iron bath. Another positive point is the thermal conductivity. Cast iron is a material that heats up for a long time, but also cools down for a long time. So be sure that the hot water in such a tub will not cool down for a long time. It takes about an hour and a half to cool down to the temperature of your bathroom. During this time you will have time to bask in the fluffy foam and relax completely.

Cast iron freestanding bathtub

Cast iron is a soundproof material. While filling the water, be quiet: the sound of typing water will not bother your family.

The main disadvantage of a cast iron bath is its weight. It is very heavy, with a length of one and a half meters, weighs one hundred kilograms. Therefore, if your apartment is not on the first floor, the delivery and installation of the product will cause appropriate difficulties. But weight is not just a disadvantage, there is an advantage. Well, if you set your cast iron bath wherever you want, then be sure that it will not move anywhere. The stability of the product is guaranteed. That is why it is convenient to put such a bath against the wall. It will not move away from it.

The cast iron bathtub requires very careful care, The layer covering it, which is water-resistant enamel, can be damaged by careless cleaning or use. You can repair it yourself, but because of the complex technology of repair it is better to contact professionals.

Cast iron baths will not please you with the variety of their types and forms. Unfortunately, they can not be called original. Foreign manufacturer, of course, introduces some interesting moments in the design. For example, beautiful legs with gold trim or additional handles and armrests that provide security. The legs can be adjusted and the height of the bath can be set according to your own desires. Note that such baths weigh less than domestic manufacturers.

Rectangular cast iron bathtub

A cast iron bath can be equipped with a whirlpool. With light and air bubbles, it will take its owner just to the top of bliss. If you take care of the cast iron bath properly, then such a product will please you for about 50 years.

Cast-iron bathtub with a whirlpool

Corner baths can be found in any material, but they are very rarely made of cast iron.

The innovation of enamel coating

Many years have passed since the first cast iron bathtub was made. Modern technology improves the quality and appearance and, of course, the cast iron bathtub of our time does not compare to the one made a long time ago.

As before, cast iron is first filled into the desired shape. Next, the surface is smoothed, polished and made smooth. All the uneven spots are removed. It is on this perfectly smooth base that the enamel coating is applied. Enamel is one of the most important parameters that determine the quality of the product. To ensure that such a product will serve its owner for decades, in its composition the manufacturer adds various impurities - barium, cobalt. The bathtub turns out very beautiful: snow-white and shiny.

White enamel cast-iron bathtub

Why are baths of domestic manufacturer heavier than imported ones? Russian baths have a thicker layer of cast iron. Foreign manufacturers have the opposite: the cast-iron layer is less, and the enamel coating is thicker. Manufacturers enrich the enamel with silver ions. It is no secret that silver has antibacterial and disinfecting properties. Therefore, its use in this area is simply indispensable. Such a bath is not only beautiful, but also healthy.

Another component of enamel is titanium salt. It provides smoothness and makes such a bath more wear-resistant.On sale you can find cast-iron baths, in which the lacquer coating consists of three layers. Such a bathtub resembles a bathtub made of acrylic.

Cast iron bathtub with enamel enriched with silver ions

We advise you to read our article about How to choose a cast-iron bath.


Acrylic baths - are the result of scientific and technological progress. They are younger than cast iron baths, but they already have their fans. Such a product is not very heavy, so it is easy to install and move. And there are no problems with delivery. The seeming fragility is deceptive. Acrylic bathtub is quite strong and reliable. Such a bath has a smooth shiny surface, which over time does not lose its original color. The acrylic bath retains heat for a long time. In half an hour the temperature of the water poured into it will be lower by only one degree.

Acrylic corner bathtub

Another plus is noise insulation. Water is almost silent. Acrylic bathtub is easy to use and care for. It is enough to wipe it with a sponge using an ordinary detergent. Strong chemicals and abrasives are strongly prohibited. They can damage the acrylic surface.

Scratches that may appear during careless use of the acrylic bathtub, can be eliminated by the use of polish or liquid acrylic, if the scratch is very deep.

О The pros, cons, and manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs Read our other article.

Washing your four-legged pet in an acrylic tub is not recommended. He can scratch the surface of the tub.

Wall acrylic bath

Acrylic bathtubs are amazing in their variety of shapes. Since the material is quite plastic, the manufacturer offers round, oval, angular bathtubs. Therefore, their use can be a beautiful and unusual addition to the bathroom, and in some cases become a bold design solution.

Another, no less important advantage of acrylic bathtubs is their hygienic. Acrylic is a material that inhibits the spread of bacteria in the humid microclimate of the bathroom.

New technologies in the production of acrylic

To begin with, let's understand what is the raw material for the manufacture of acrylic bathtubs. Acrylic is a polymeric substance, essentially the same plastic. To make a tub, you need a sheet of acrylic, from which the tub is blown in vacuum chambers. The sheet has different thicknesses, but in general it should not be less than 5 millimeters.

There is a correlation between the thickness of the acrylic sheet and its ductility. Thick acrylic sheet bends worse. Therefore, a quality acrylic bathtub will not have any complex and intricate forms.

Molded acrylic bathtub

A bath that is made at the first stage is still far from its final appearance. In fact - it's just a plastic basin, which can easily deform. Next comes the process of reinforcement. Several layers of a special resin are applied to the surface, which keeps the shape of the tub in place when it hardens. In some factories, this is handmade. The strength and quality of the product depends precisely on the number of such layers. They can be seen with the naked eye.

To check the quality of acrylic bathtub can be on the principle of checking the watermelon at the market, that is, to knock. If the sound is deaf, then you can safely buy such a bath. A ringing sound indicates a thin layer of reinforcement, and this is a sign of poor quality. The thicker the layer, the more expensive the bath. Buying a cheap acrylic bathtub, you take a big risk.

Acrylic bathtub

Technology does not stand still. And now there are already baths, made of quarryl. (quartz + acrylic). Quartz makes acrylic strong, so the process of reinforcement is simply eliminated. Such baths are no longer "blown" but cast. Quaral baths are very strong. A heavy object that fell into such a tub will not leave a scratch or dent on it. Of course, such a bath is a little heavier than usual acrylic, but compared to cast iron, it is lighter.

Read more about, how to choose the best acrylic bathtub, read our other article.


Steel bath is a budget option. Steel baths are cheaper than baths made of other materials. Of course, there are also expensive steel baths. They look almost the same as cast iron baths because of the enamel coating. And you can determine the material of manufacture only by tapping on the edge of the product. Such a bathtub can serve its owner for about 15 years.

A bath made of steel is very light. Therefore, assembly and installation will not cause much difficulty. Because of the plasticity of the material, manufacturers offer a variety of shapes of steel baths. You can pick up what your heart desires.

Learn more about how to choose a cast-iron bathtub, read our other article.

Steel Freestanding Bathtub

The biggest drawback is its thermal conductivity. Water in such a tub cools down disastrously quickly. It will not be able to soak and relax after a hard day's work. Otherwise, you will have to constantly add hot water. And this is not economical.

When you draw water into a steel tub, everyone in your apartment will know about it. The sound will be ringing loudly. Foreign manufacturers are trying to make this sound muffled and use rubber gaskets. But it only slightly muffles the sound of water poured into it.

When choosing a steel bath, you must pay attention to the thickness of the walls. Thin walls can deform, the enamel will crack.


What kind of bath to choose? The solution to this question, of course, is individual. If you do not have much money, then you will have to buy a steel bath. You will have to put up with the rapid cooling of water and noise when you draw water. But thanks to the different forms, you can pick up a bath that will be the perfect solution for your bathroom.

The advantages of acrylic are its thermal conductivity and noise insulation. Another plus is that all scratches can be fixed at home. The restoration process is quite simple. Any specialized store will offer you such a set for a reasonable price. Acrylic bathtubs can be equipped with an additional whirlpool and turn into a cozy corner for spa treatments. Shapes of these baths are also diverse.

The bathtub made of cast iron is very heavy. Problems will arise in installation. If you accidentally break off a piece of such a bathtub, you will not be able to restore the original appearance of the product. It is very difficult, and in some cases impossible, to restore cast iron bathtubs. But, in spite of this, the most important thing is durability. Water cools down in such a bath more slowly than in acrylic. Modern manufacturers turn such a bath into a real work of art, adding exquisite details. The cast-iron bathtub is a long-lasting product.

Anyway, before you buy a bath, you should "try it on". Many stores allow their customers to climb into the tubs to see if the client will be comfortable and convenient in it.

1 comment

And yet the most modern material of these, I believe, acrylic. Only when choosing look at the thickness of the layer, this will be its durability.


